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Boiler Servicing & Repairs in Bradford, Leeds, Huddersfield

In Bradford, Leeds, Huddersfield, and Yorkshire, we are here to help with any boiler problems you may be having.

Do you need to schedule a yearly inspection or an emergency repair with a local boiler expert? KSM Plumbing Ltd is pleased to provide Gas Safe-registered boiler maintenance and fast boiler repairs. To request a visit from KSM Plumbing Ltd for boiler repair or servicing, call 07704 373410.

Boiler Repairs & Servicing in Bradford, Leeds and Brighouse

Our Boiler Servicing in Bradford

Did you know that having your boiler serviced once a year decreases the chances of a complete breakdown and the resultant need for a replacement? We are Gas Safe registered professionals who can service your boiler in under 30 minutes. Maintaining your boiler on a regular basis will save you hundreds of pounds in repair costs and keep it running well for many more years. In addition to keeping your boiler's warranty valid, this practice keeps it running longer. Click the button below to start the reservation process right away.

Importance of maintaining your Boiler with KSM Plumbing Ltd

Keeps You Safe

Your boiler is a vital part of your home, providing you with hot water and warmth when you need it most. Unfortunately, boilers can be dangerous if they are not properly maintained. Boilers can produce carbon monoxide, a deadly and odourless gas. Regular maintenance of your boiler can help protect you and your family from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Saves You Money

Keeping your boiler maintained is a great way to save money in the long run. When boilers are not properly maintained, they become less efficient. This means that you will be paying more in energy bills to get the same amount of heat and hot water. Regular maintenance can help your boiler remain efficient, and can even extend its life.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your boiler has been serviced by a professional heating engineer can give you peace of mind. With KSM Plumbing, you can be confident that your boiler is safe, efficient, and less likely to break down, which can save you stress and inconvenience.

Our Boiler Repair Services in Bradford

If your boiler has already failed and you require qualified assistance, we are fully Gas Safe registered and capable of repairing your boiler. We know how frustrating it is to have a malfunctioning boiler, especially in the cold winter months. That's why you should call KSM Plumbing Ltd. We'll come out, diagnose the issue, and fix your boiler as quickly as possible if it's not beyond repair and you don't need a replacement. We can replace your boiler quickly and easily if it has entirely broken down. Because boiler repairs are usually urgent, we ask that you phone us at 07704 373410 as soon as possible.

Here are some signs you need boiler repair:

Unusual Noises

 If you hear any strange noises coming from your boiler, such as banging or whistling sounds, it could be a sign that something is wrong. This could be caused by a range of issues, from a faulty thermostat to a buildup of mineral deposits in your boiler.

Reduced Heat Output

If your boiler is no longer heating your home as effectively as it used to, it could be a sign of a problem with your boiler's heating system. This could be caused by issues such as a broken pump, a clogged filter, or low water pressure.


Any visible leaks around your boiler should be taken seriously, as they could indicate a problem with your boiler's pressure valve, seals, or pipework. If left untreated, leaks could lead to significant damage and even pose a safety risk.

Unusual Smells

If you detect any unusual smells coming from your boiler, such as the smell of gas, it's important to turn off your boiler immediately and seek professional help. This could indicate a gas leak, which can be dangerous and requires immediate attention.

High Energy Bills

If your energy bills have increased suddenly without any explanation, it could be a sign that your boiler is running less efficiently than it should be. This could be caused by a range of issues, from mineral buildup to a faulty thermostat.

How can you locate the right gas engineer? 

While a boiler service or repair may seem like a stressful event at the time, having the proper gas engineer by your side may make the entire procedure easy. KSM Plumbing Ltd is an Ideal Max Accredited Installer, as well as a member of Gas Safe and CHAS. This certifies us as experts in boiler maintenance and repair. For any heating system maintenance or repair needs, count on us!

Ideal HeatingGas SafeChas

Gas Safe heating specialist in Bradford

At KSM Plumbing, we can help you with all of your boiler maintenance needs. Our experienced and certified technicians can inspect and maintain your boiler, ensuring it is running safely and efficiently. We offer a range of services, including boiler installation, repair, and maintenance across Bradford, Harpenden, Otley, Yeadon, Guiseley, and Hawksworth.

To get in touch with KSM Plumbing Ltd, a Gas Safe registered business, call 07494406652 or fill out our brief online contact form.

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